Organising Committee
Alexandra Simões
ITQB-NOVA, Portugal
Bárbara Ferreira
ITQB-NOVA, Portugal
Dam Kahn
Medical Research Council Unit the Gambia at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Gambia
Elena Mitsi
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Elissavet Nikolaou
Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Australia
Helina Marshall
University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Joana Gomes-Silva
University of Lisbon, Portugal
João Borralho
ITQB-NOVA, Portugal
João Lança
ITQB-NOVA, Portugal
Scientific Committee
Anne Wyllie
Yale School of Public Health, USA
Brenda Kwambana-Adams
Malawi-Liverpool-Welcome Trust Clinical Research Program, Malawi
Daniela Ferreira
University of Oxford and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
Giuseppe Ercoli
University College London, United Kingdom
Luisa Hiller
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Marco Oggioni
University of Bologna, Italy
Melanie Anne Hamon
Institute Pasteur, France
Rafael Molina
Sérgio Filipe
FCT Nova, Portugal
Sophie Belman
Sanger Institute, United Kingdom
Stephanie Lo
Wellcome Sanger Institute, United Kingdom
Sven Hammerschmidt
University of Greifswald, Germany